Design includes: up to 2 hours of graphic design from your supplied text in electronic format, and photos and logo in digital format. Stock photography is available for an additional fee.
Printing includes: 1000 postcards, printed full color 2 sides, 4" x 6" 14PT stock, with UV coating on front side.
Mailing Service includes: Data processing from your supplied list with up to 1000 names, C.A.S.S. certification, de-duplicating addresses, pre--sorting & USPS documentation, ink-jet setup & addressing, delivery to Post Office. Postage is additional and must be pre-paid prior to mailing.

 Order Now!


For higher quantities please request a custom quote at the bottom of the page.





 Corporate Identity-Logo Packages

Upon receiving your order you will receive an e-mail questionnaire. After returning the questionnaire you will receive an acknowledgment and should expect to see your initial designs within 4-5 business days.


 Corporate Identity- Logo Design

Series 1: (3) initial designs.
Series 2: (2) revised designs from one of the initial (3)
Series 3: Final design and color matching from selection, provided digitally and on CD.

Cost: $499.00



Corporate Identity- Logo Design
Initial personal telephone consultation (US and Canada)
Series 1: (5) initial designs.
Series 2: (2) revised designs from (2) of the initial (5)
Series 3: (2) revised designs from (1) of remaining (2) designs.
Series 4: Final design and color matching from selection, provided digitally and on CD.

Cost: $1200.00














©2009The Creative Department